For those visitors to this site who are struggling due to being unable to worship with others during the Covid-19 outbreak, I am pleased to announce that the church I am a member of (Our Saviour Lutheran Church) and providing regular online services, including a full Service of the Word every Sunday at 10.30am (UK).
The service is broadcast on Youtube live and Spreaker podcast, and the Order of Service is embedded in with the website posts, so it is easily possible to join in with the service, even after the service for those who may be visiting from different time zones, or just happened to get up late!
I would just like to offer my appreciation to Pastor Tapani Simojoki and his family for the service, as due to the number in his household, it is almost like joining a small congregation in worship. Please find a link to this morning’s service below, but in future I will post to the website and our social media feeds immediately prior to the service going live.
Follow this link for today’s service: