For those parents with young children, who appreciate resources that help to teach them about Jesus Christ and His Word. This is a resource that is being added to regularly, by Pastor Tapani Simojoki and his daughter Hanna. Steadily they are working their way through the key Gospel stories, and aside from re-telling the stories, they teach the children songs that will help them remember the details. Please find the playlist embedded below, but they are added to on a regular basis, and I urge you to visit the church Youtube channel and subscribe.
Episode 1: Mary and Gabriel
Episode 2: Jesus Is Born
Episode 3: The Visit of the Wise Men
Episode 4: The Boy Jesus in the Temple
Episode 5: John the Baptist
Episode 6: Jesus' Temptation
Episode 7: Jesus Starts Preaching
Episode 8: Jesus Heals a Paralysed Man
Episode 9: Jesus Cleanses a Man
Episode 10: Build Your House on the Rock
Episode 11: The Sower of the Seed
Episode 12: The Lost Sheep
Episode 13: The Prodigal Son
Episode 14: The Good Samaritan
Episode 15: The Parable of the Mustard Seed