After trying a few times unsuccessfully, I’ve finally managed to put together a full audio version of Luther’s Small Catechism. I have used the Reformation Anniversary Edition, published by The Evangelical Lutheran Church of England, under a Creative Commons Licence. I have used Revoicer to create the voice-overs, and have also created background music for some of the tracks, with full permission of the artists. Therefore I am able to make these files free for download by anyone to use freely. The only conditions are that, firstly they cannot be used commercially for profit in any way, and secondly, if files are used containing background music for Youtube videos, please reference the original artist in the video description, which can be found in the tags of the mp3 files. If you need help with this, please feel free to ask.
I have created a separate mp3 file for all nine sections of the catechism, and I have created two different versions; one with background music, and one without. These files have been compressed into two zip. files, which I have linked at the bottom of this post. If you just want to listen however, you will find a player in most sidebars throughout this website also.
Anyway, I hope you find them useful for personal study, or maybe sharing throughout your own website or blog. Any feedback will be welcomed, and sharing this post with others would be very much appreciated.